Monthly Archives: July 2015

New Website Titles and Layout

Finally got around to a overdue edit and de-clutter of the website .

And, following many requests , adding some info titles.

Here is a pic from the new series section and

‘Romania Lands’

During the year I spent living in Romania , apart form the more

serious work , I was often gifted simple yet intimate moments of magic.


JOHNSON & JOHNSON Global Conference

I was recently asked to shoot the annual global conference of American ‘giant’ , Johnson & Johnson. This year held in London . Not my usual kind of commission but it was a interesting change and I enjoyed it very much. Hopefully I brought something a little different to it this year . Here is one of the images that show the kind of observational / reportage style I wanted to get , while at the same time trying to keep it kinda artful . There are some more going up on the commissions section of my website.J&J-engaged-man